Family, Home, Knitting

four years old

Each year seems to pass more quickly than the last, as each day and month is filled with new adventures, challenges, and milestones.


Jackson now has four birthday sweaters in his collection.  This last year has seen him grow by leaps and bounds, both physically and mentally.  He brims with endless energy and he expresses genuine enthusiasm for friends both old and new.  We are so proud of his curious mind and compassionate heart.

(Could a mama ask for a better knitwear model? Hahaha)

Although I had more luck this year photographing the back of the sweater than the front, his birthday sweater is the Antler Cardigan, knit in the wonderful Tahki Yarns Tara Tweed (this is a fabulous yarn that gives all of that tweedy, classic effect in a much softer fabric; the colorway is a lovely medium grey that I have had in my stash for years).  I knit the 4-6 year old size, with a slightly tighter stitch gauge (for a better fit in the body) and lengthened the sleeves and body slightly for future growth spurts.

Happy Holidays, everyone!
xoxo Danielle