Baking, Crafting on the web, designer, Designing, Knitting

yarn love challenge

With February nearly half over, this post is definitely overdue, but hey – better late than never!

During the entire month of February on Instagram, the fiber/yarn/knitting/crafting community is participating in the “Yarn Love Challenge.” Each day, participants in the challenge post a photo related to a prompt or keyword, such as “style,” “colorwork,” “designer,” and so on. It’s a great way to think more about how your crafting habits impact your daily life and it’s an even better way to find new photos and Instagrammers that inspire you! Anyone who has an Instagram profile can participate, of course, and you can see my feed (and my most recent photo) on the left sidebar here. Just click it to be taken to Instagram where you can join in the fun.

In general, I find Instagram to be a convenient mini-blogging platform. For a busy mama, or anyone who is short on time, it’s a great avenue to share a quick photo and thought or to take a couple stolen moments to be inspired by other people’s photos and comments. You’ll find all kinds of photos in my feed (my username is makewisedesigns), although it probably wouldn’t be surprising to discover that my photos mostly center around knitting, sugar, and the kids. Since the blog is often quiet, I’d invite you to follow along on my Instagram feed to see what I’m up to lately!

Hope everyone has a good week and hoping Spring arrives soon,
xoxo Danielle